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Windmill Integrated Primary School, Dungannon
Menu change: 17th June Chinese day for the P7 leavers dinner. The menu for this day will be: Chicken balls, rice, chips, noodles, gravy/curry, sweet and sour chicken. | School Uniform Information We have made some changes to improve the system for supplying school uniform.  Please login to SCHOOL TRENDS and search for our school using our school postcode BT717BE or find the uniform link on our school website contained within the Parents Information Booklets in the Parents Area.
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News Archive - 1

2018/2019 School Year

7th Mar 2019
Today we wore our pyjamas and had hot chocolate and cookies as a special treat...
7th Mar 2019
We have been amazing "adders" in P.1, using our bears to make addition sums. Making...
12th Feb 2019
Just look at our P1s making lovely Valentines day buns.
18th Dec 2018
On Friday 14th December, P1 and their friends from the Bush P1 went to Parkanaur...
3rd Dec 2018
Writing our names and Satpin sounds in P.1. Aren't we super.
3rd Dec 2018
As part of our Numeracy learning, P1s have been creating patterns using the Compare...
3rd Dec 2018
P1's have been creating their Christmas Crafts. Look at our lovely reindeers and...