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Windmill Integrated Primary School, Dungannon

Erasmus Plus

1st meeting at the kindergarten in Łodź 01/03/17
1st meeting at the kindergarten in Łodź 01/03/17
1st Project Meeting of KA3 Inedu Partners in Łodź 01/03/17
1st Project Meeting of KA3 Inedu Partners in Łodź 01/03/17
The Partners Visit to Dungannon May 2017
The Partners Visit to Dungannon May 2017

In 2017 we began an new 2 year KA3 Erasmus Plus (the new Comenius) project ‘Inclusive education model for children with migrant backgrounds in preschools’ with partners from Poland, Romania, Sweden, Estonia, Macedonia, Czech Republic and Italy. One of the partners is the kindergarten in Lodź who were in our very first international project. 

Mrs Corr, the nursery teacher visited Łodź in February 2017 to meet up with some of partners and to begin to plan the project. 

The partners all visited Windmill in May 2017 for a 2 day conference where they heard from staff from the EA's Intercultural Education Service on how best to liaise with families of newcomer pupils and some ideas for good practice e.g. home school journals etc. The partners had an opportunity to spend a morning at Windmill and met with some of the pupils and spent time in nursery, P1 & P2.

Each month the partners chat via Skype to exchange practices that the preschools have used with their young additional language learners and all the pupils. 



19th Jun 2023
Last week, Kierna, Enda and Tanya headed to Zagreb for the 5th meeting of our final...
5th Jun 2023
Last week Kierna Corr & Ellen McCrilly travelled to Italy to take part in the...
18th May 2023
The nursery celebrated Outdoor Classroom Day today along with our partner schools...