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Windmill Integrated Primary School, Dungannon
Another supplier of uniform for Windmill Integrated Primary School and Nursery Unit. Please find attached flyer for newly approved uniform supplier for Windmill Integrated Primary School and Nursery Unit; 369Uniforms | School Uniform Information We have made some changes to improve the system for supplying school uniform.  Please login to SCHOOL TRENDS and search for our school using our school postcode BT717BE or find the uniform link on our school website contained within the Parents Information Booklets in the Parents Area.    
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Parent Teacher Association 2023-2024




Chairperson Mrs Aideen Carey
Vice C.P.  
Secretary Denise Lynch
Treasurer (Acting)  





It is a forum for parents to come together to discuss issues, communicate with each other and to provide feedback to the school and Board of Governors to support the development of the school.

As an integrated primary school Windmill is committed to the NICIE Principles that supports the Parents forum

The Council "is a way of creating a forum of parents which cultivates and focuses parental support for the school"


The Parents Council is a forum that brings parents together to discuss and to support the school's development. The Council represents parents of the school community and feeds back via the board of governors. Members of the board are representatives on the Council.

In the Memorandum and Articles of Association it states: (which article. Where does this originate?)

“There shall be a Parents Council whose function shall include the mobilisation and organisation of parent support for the school”        (Article 38)

In keeping with NICIE Statement of Principles Windmill believes that “The support and commitment of parents is a fundamental element of integrated education and historically, parents have been central to the development of integrated schools.”


All parents are members of the Parents’ Council however this does not mean that all parents need to attend the meetings. Being a parent of the school automatically gives parents a voice on the Council should they wish to get involved.




The NICIE Statement of Principles says:

“The support and commitment of parents is a fundamental element

 of integrated education and historically, parents have been central

 to the development of integrated schools.”


 In the Memorandum and Articles of Association it states:


 “The Parents’ Council shall consist of at least 10 parents elected at the Annual General Meeting ensuring representation of each form in the school and having  regard to balance in respect of the gender and religious traditions of those elected.”



                               Contact The Parents Council on




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Parents Council News

28th Jun 2024
Miss Hughes P6 teacher and Vice Chair of Dungannon and Cookstown INTO Branch, Kevin...
21st Jun 2024
Well done to all the children for getting sponsorship for the colour run and thank...