Access Keys:

Windmill Integrated Primary School, Dungannon
Mop up Flu vaccines This will take place on Monday 16th December for any child with parental permission who missed the last date.  If you wish to withdraw consent please let us know in writing. | Menu Change - Thursday 19 December 2024 Party Day - chicken goujons/nuggets (depending on stock)/cocktail sausages  OR salt and chilli chicken OR a festive chip: chips/cocktails, stuffing ,turkey and gravy. | Update contact information It is important that the information we hold for your child is accurate and up to date.  Please check the Parent Area on the school website for further information.
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Board of Governors

Mr Ryan Falls Chairperson
Mr Daniel Taylor Foundation Governor
Mrs Joanne McDonald Foundation Governor
Mr Jonathan Clarke Foundation Governor
To be appointed Foundation Governor
To be appointed Foundation Governor
Mrs Jill Scullion Elected Parent
To be appointed Elected Parent
Mrs Kierna Corr  Elected Teacher  
Mrs Sharon Cleary & Mrs Eileen Vaughan Elected Teacher
Mr Chris Hazlett DENI Representative

Mrs Yvonne Halliday


DENI Representative
Mr Bryan McLaughlin DENI Representative
Mrs Shirley Dunn DENI Representative
Mrs Sandra Ferguson Principal (non-voting)
Mrs Samantha Ross  Vice-Principal (non-voting)