Access Keys:

Windmill Integrated Primary School, Dungannon

General Info

Our Safeguarding Team is made up of:

The Principal- Mrs S. Ferguson

The Designated Teacher for Child Protection-Mrs S. Ross

The Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection- Mrs E. Vaughan & Mrs K. Corr

Governor responsible for Child Protection- Jane Hamill

Chairperson of the Board of Governors Mrs V. Kelly


School Hours

  • Children are permitted into school from 8.45am.
  • Children who travel by bus and who occasionally arrive before this time wait in the assembly hall until 8.45am.
  • Nursery: 8.50am – 1.45pm.
  • P1 and P2: 8.55am – 2.00pm.
  • Fun Club for P1's and P2's – 2.00 / 3.00pm (optional).
  • P3 - P7: 8.55am – 3.00pm


School Uniform


Girls:   Blue/White checked dress.

Boys:     White polo shirt, grey trousers or grey shorts.



Girls:      White polo shirt, grey skirt or pinafore,  School sweatshirt.

                White socks, grey, black or navy blue tights.

Boys:     White polo shirt, grey trousers, School sweatshirt.  Black shoes.


The above are available from

  • Cuddy's in The Square, Dungannon,  
  • Kelly’s Drapery, Irish Street, Dungannon ,
  • Paul’s,  Moygashel 
  • H. McMullan’s, Scotch Street.


P.E. Kit

Children are expected to be provided with suitable clothing for P.E. and Games. All children should have a pair of P.E. slippers. Children in Years 4 - 7 will also need shorts and a t-shirt.

Children who go swimming (Years 3 - 7) will need a swimming costume or trunks and a towel, in a suitable water-proof bag.

Older children who participate in football etc., should equip themselves with suitable clothing and footwear.

P.E  kits must be brought to school on Monday mornings and taken home to be washed on Fridays. All items of clothing should be labelled.


School Meals and Milk


Payment for school dinners should be brought in on the first day of each week. Payment for break time milk is normally paid at the beginning of each term.

 School Dinners can also be paid monthly. If you want to pay monthly please inform the school.



Charges and Remissions Policy


The Board of Governors has adopted the following policy for the current financial year but this is subject to review. No charges are made for any lessons or activities, which contribute to the Northern Ireland Curriculum but the Board of Governors may appeal to parents from time to time for their support in the form of voluntary contributions. No child will, in any way, be disadvantaged should parents decide not to subscribe.

Occasionally the school may take part in an ‘optional extra’ such as a visit to the theatre, a residential trip or a school outing in the Summer.  Charges will be made for these though a decision by parents not to take part will not affect the child’s performance at school.


INDIVIDUAL TUITION / MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. This is provided by an external tutor. Charges will be levied for the hire of instruments, examination fees and other resources.


Charges will be made for ingredients and materials needed for courses in practical subjects where parents indicate in advance a wish to receive the finished product.



Children from Primary 1 to Primary 7 take part in weekly French lessons.


Following recent leglisation all schools are required to meet high standards of security. Windmill Integrated Primary School operates a surveillance system which screens visitors coming into school and records activity in the school grounds, 24 hours a day.


There is a car park for staff and one for parents and visitors. Please do not park in the disabled bays unless you need this facility.