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Windmill Integrated Primary School, Dungannon
Menu change: 17th June Chinese day for the P7 leavers dinner. The menu for this day will be: Chicken balls, rice, chips, noodles, gravy/curry, sweet and sour chicken. | School Uniform Information We have made some changes to improve the system for supplying school uniform.  Please login to SCHOOL TRENDS and search for our school using our school postcode BT717BE or find the uniform link on our school website contained within the Parents Information Booklets in the Parents Area.
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P1s Visit To Armagh Planetarium

14th Jun 2016

Primary One had an astronomical adventure at the Planetarium on Friday 10th June. Nick took us to the special domed cinema where we found out all about the different planets. We learnt a great rhyme to help us remember the planets in the Solar System.

"My Very Enormous Monster Just Sits Upon Neptune (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune)"

We went to build our own rockets and launched them outside using waterpower! They made a loud bang which was a wee bit scary.

After a short tour of the building we enjoyed our lunch and had our photos taken with aliens and astronauts.

A wonderful day out!