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Windmill Integrated Primary School, Dungannon
Menu Change 29/01/2025 - Chinese day to celebrate Chinese New Year The menu will be: chicken curry, sweet and sour chicken, salt and chili chicken with noodles/rice/chips. | Update contact information It is important that the information we hold for your child is accurate and up to date.  Please check the Parent Area on the school website for further information.
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2nd Feb 2024

'Integration in Practice'
Yesterday we were delighted have CRIS (Community Relations In Schools)  to participate in an integration project with ICD Dungannon, as part of our joint ‘Integration in Practice’ Programme. Our Primary six pupils enjoyed using creative group work methods to explore identity, what community means to them and to embrace the diversity within the classroom promoting lasting and positive friendships. Well done to all the pupils who presented and discussed their excellent drawings with their peers.
CRIS is an independent peacebuilding charity organisation with 40 years’ experience of delivering this work.
Thank you to the Sixth Form students, and former pupils of Windmill IPS, Chineye and Caitlin and to Jack, who came to Windmill IPS to assist with the project, and a special word of thanks to the Integrated Education Fund for supporting our ‘Integration in Practice’ Programme.