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Windmill Integrated Primary School, Dungannon
Another supplier of uniform for Windmill Integrated Primary School and Nursery Unit. Please find attached flyer for newly approved uniform supplier for Windmill Integrated Primary School and Nursery Unit; 369Uniforms | School Uniform Information We have made some changes to improve the system for supplying school uniform.  Please login to SCHOOL TRENDS and search for our school using our school postcode BT717BE or find the uniform link on our school website contained within the Parents Information Booklets in the Parents Area.    
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News Archive - Nursery

2020/2021 School Year

4th Dec 2020
Today the nursery children all gathered together in the dinner room for their Christmas...
27th Nov 2020
This week we had a very busy time in nursery, we had 2 birthdays to celebrate. The...
26th Nov 2020
7th Nov 2020
Every Friday, the nursery class try to spend at least an hour up in Bear Woods. The...
5th Nov 2020
The nursery children are enjoying being outdoors almost every day since returning...
16th Oct 2020
As we aren't using the nursery foyer for parents to drop off and collect children...
16th Oct 2020
This year the Parents Council delivered sweets and craft packs to all the classes...
7th Oct 2020
The nursery class had their first fire in the playground today. They have been practising...
3rd Oct 2020
The nursery class had their first visit to Bear Woods on Friday and they had a wonderful...
28th Sep 2020
All the children have settled into nursery very easily this September and are now...